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The Author

TOM VAN DYKE lives with his wife, MARY on their ranch in the foothills of Tonto National Forest, Cave Creek, Arizona. Tom is a nationally recognized film producer/director and award-winning screenwriter. One of his motion pictures was considered for nomination of an Academy Award®.

Tom Van Dyke Tucson Wild West Film Studios

Tom created and wrote the American Bicentennial television public service announcements, "Stand Up and Be Counted", featuring John Denver, the most widely viewed national and international PSAs in the history of television.

His creative expression of writing and film production is shared with his creation of fine art. Tom's sculptures, paintings and photography have been exhibited or are in the permanent collections of the NY Museum of Modern Art, the Carnegie Art Institute, the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, the Detroit Institute of Arts, the Henry Ford Museum, the Cranbrook Academy of Art and the Butler Institute of American Art.
View portfolio of Tom's fine art

Story inspired with his sons at The Adobe Ranch House